Hello there you handful of readers,
Announcement time!
Coming soon, a new games focused podcast featuring myself and my brother Owain. We’ve sat down and made a pilot for a series of opinion pieces regarding our take on gaming, the companies, culture and progress of the medium. We’re highly critical but unlike a majority of loud mouthed gamers we justify our stances and take time to explain so hopefully we’re offering something unique that will provoke discussion.
The topic at hand for the first episode is the decline of Square-Enix over the last ten years, right up to the most recent news that with the combined hit of Final Fantasy 14 failing and the Japanese earthquake the company is in dire straits. Why did we like them? What went wrong? Can the company survive a 10 billion projected loss this year? All of this and more will be on there, watch this space!
And my realisation is that there was already someone under the title Jaded Geek around before me so I really need to rename this blog. On that note, suggestions people? This is likely to become something of a defacto home for the new podcast so perhaps a joint name for the podcast andblog would be a good idea? Hit me up if you're feeling inspired.