Note - I don't own a PS3 or gaming PC so if your faves are missing feel free to drop a comment below this article if you think I've missed anything.
Mass Effect 2
High hopes were met with a game that exceeded them in almost all respects. Following up the ground breaking first adventure into the galaxy was no mean feat but Bioware did it in style trimming back the chaff of the first game (inventory system, planetary exploration) and refining the gameplay to the point where, on high difficulty levels at least, it became a genuine tactical challenge to fend off assaults.
The plot offered fresh mystery and potential turning points with just enough call backs to the events of the first game to keep you thinking about the outcome of your actions and yearning to try different methods of going about things.
With the third, and final, chapter of the tale recently teased with a trailer that raises the stakes massively in terms of the scale of what's to come I'm eagerly anticipating what's to come. I just hope that being nice to alien insects and releasing an experimental clone doesn't mean humanity bites the dust!
Check out the latest Mass Effect 3 teaser trailer here if you've not seen it yet.
Bioshock 2
I'm sure I wasn't alone in thinking that a sequel to what seemed to be a perfect one off game was a mistake. Thankfully I found myself wrong, even if it wasn't the kind of revolution in gameplay that Mass Effect 2 offered over it's predecessor.
Another combination of weighty social and scientific commentary in the plot, vivid locations and solid gameplay created a game that, whilst not the mind blowing thing of beauty that was the first entry, did manage to keep the Bioshock name unsullied. Throw in what I'm reliably told is a fast paced, well balanced multiplayer and it all adds up to be a surprisingly satisfying sequel.
Roll on Bioshock Infinite, it's sky city and all it has to offer. Check out the trailer here and the first look at its gameplay here.
Extra Special mention!
Robot Unicorn Attack
Sometimes a simple Flash based browser game can manage to transcend the usual status of 30 second curio and enter the realms of hour destroying addiction. Robot Unicorn Attack did that for me. I'm not sure whether it's the garish over the top graphics, the simple two button "one more go" gameplay or the catchy albeit ultra campy music of Erasure but I was sold on this game very quickly.
Fancy giving it a go? Head over to the Adult Swim games site and you're set.
Too sissy for your sensibilities but still want to play it? Play Robot Unicorn Attack Heavy Metal instead!
February and March were a tad sparse in terms of games for me so, onwards to...
Super Street Fighter 4
I was very ready to hate this, that's putting it lightly. Capcom had been on a rampage of bad moves making customers pay for content that was locked away on the disc in Resident Evil 5 (not to mention making of a stinker of a game) and charging for secondary costumes in Street Fighter 4. Super Street Fighter 4 seemed to be a money making scheme at first and little more. Then, slowly but surely the details of what new content would be coming trickled out.
With ten new characters, serious gameplay tweaks, secondary super moves for everyone and a far more refined online lobby system with the potential to save replays thrown in Super Street Fighter 4 managed to justify its price tag.
Such a shame Capcom still insist on making the customer pay for secondary costume though, especially when the likes of this are freely available thanks to PC game modders -
Here's a rather impressive version of Ghandi made by a modder by the name of shell_beach - Download it here
If that's what can be done by a dedicated modder using the base character model for Dhalsim FOR FREE then Capcom need to buck up their ideas thinking that charging the equivilent of £14 for a set of simple graphical changes is a decent offer to make to their fans. Winge over. Great game, slightly marred by the company that made it losing sight of common sense.May
Red Dead Redemption
Who'd have thought that a game of digital cowboys and Indians would work? I guess us fans of this game ought to be thankful Rockstar did.
Combining the increasingly high quality story telling they are becoming known for with the free roaming run and gun gameplay they've established as their stock in trade previously, Rockstar gave us a game we didn't even know we wanted.
Now I liked the single player gameplay well enough, but where I was really sold was the multiplayer free roam and cooperative missions. Being able to jump into a populated server and go around having shoot outs and generally mucking about with friends and strangers is great fun, especially thanks to the numerous additions Rockstar have added to extend the fun further.
I have a theory, one I've talked about a lot in real life but never online, that Rockstar use each game between their flagship GTA installments and consequent games to test design concepts or technology. Look back to Bully and Table Tennis and think about the way that features from both, primarily gameplay and in the latter case graphics, were present in GTA4.
Here's hoping LA Noir features the gunplay system from Red Dead, right down to the deadeye slo-mo on that basis, can't wait to see what they have in store. With the trailer looking this well made and cinematic there's no doubt they'll release a great game regardless.
June and July were once more a tad sparse in terms of games, as is typical for the summer season, so onwards to...
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game
As if the spawn of a movie based on one of the cornerstones of current geek culture would fail to stir up nostalgia and excitement in a guy like me.
Solid Streets of Rage/Final Fight style gameplay, pseudo-16bit graphics and a slew of gaming references ranging from the painfully obvious to the incredibly subtle all made for a thoroughly enjoyable multiplayer must buy. Get a copy, four pads and a couple of friends and you're golden.
Halo Reach
Halo sure has a reputation, one almost as bad as Call of Duty, so I'll make a little proviso here. I only play online. I really don't like the plot or the over the top fanboy-ism that the game garners. With that in mind it's a real mark of how much I love the online play for this game to have made this list.
Taking the core gameplay of previous games in the series and adding a choice of additional, game changing abilities has breathed fresh life into what might otherwise have been a straight forward retread of familiar ground.
Sprinting at a tank in the hopes of hijacking it, rolling to the side of an enemy just in time to avoid a hit, hiding in plain sight while your opponents radar goes haywire, locking your armor just as a ghost drives into you, throwing down a healing bubble shield in time to deflect a grenade or jetpacking high above the battlefield and scoring a headshot with a sniper rifle. All things previous games didn't allow that have helped to elevate the gameplay of Halo Reach high above its predecessors.
The only downside is the smack talk from 13 year old Americans, though even that can be funny if you're sharp enough to verbally humiliate them. Like I am. :)
Fallout: New Vegas
The company behind this semi-sequel to the phenominal Fallout 3, Obsidian, has a reputation. And not a good one at that. They're well known for having previously released incomplete, seriously buggy games. The most well known previous offender was Knights of the Old Republic 2 which, despite being a stunning game in terms of narrative and story telling, was marred by numerous bugs and an end game that turned out to be unfinished.
So, have they done better with FO:NV? For my money yes, but then again I didn't buy it on day one for full price. The improvements are substantial, ranging from tougher combat right through to a far more complex reputaiton system and plot. Obsidian being Obsidian though,the bugs were out in force.
And yet, here this game is on my list of favorites. Yes, it's buggy. Sure some of the game was badly broken until recent patches but in spite of that this game is fun!
Put simply, the notion exploring the ruins of Las Vegas whilst blasting the living crap out of zombified nuke survivors and making friends with guys in power armor had me sold in no time. Good work Obsidian, just make sure you insist on more time for bug fixing next time and we'll stay friends.
November didn't contain any gaming goodness for me so...
Doritos Crash Course

In a surprising act of seasonal charity, two free games were snuck out onto the Xbox 360 Arcade marketplace. One is a well made racing game with guns and explosions thrown in for good measure by the name of Harms Way. The other is this brilliantly simple, addictive game.
It's a Total Wipeout-esque affair in which you, controlling your avatar, need to charge through an assault course as fast as you can. With one button to run faster, one to jump and one to duck it's one hell of a simple game but within that is the beauty. Anyone can play this and feel like they're doing well which makes it great for small groups of gamers and non-gamers to actually compete without the non-gamers feeling like there's no point.
The addition of online leaderboards is great seeing as everyone you know online can, and should, get the game for nothing. Seeing a friend beat one of my times by a huge margin has motivated me to go back to try and figure out how they did it and I suspect I wont be alone in that.
Click here to head over to and queue Crash Course up for the next time you switch your Xbox on or ,if you like the sound of a free driving game better, click here for Harms Way.
Back to the Future: The Game
The sheer weight of affection for the movies Telltale hold shines through every aspect of this game. From the perfectly recreated laboratory of Doc Brown right through to the nitty gritty of activing your time circuits it feels legit. Throw in Doc Brown himself, Christopher Lloyd, and Marty Mcfly, expertly impersonated by A.J. LosCascio, and the scene is set for a nostalgia trip anyone with affection for the films is sure to enjoy.
So there you have it people, the games of this year I enjoyed enough to foist onto you and praise above all others. I'm curious to hear what games you'd say hit the high tide mark this year so drop me a line in the comments!
Next blog - Disappointments of 2010!