Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Future plans for the blog.

Right now this place is a little sparse in terms of content to say the very least, but my intention is to start a number of series dedicated to geekery in its many forms. Right now I work on a podcast as one third of The Mighty Beards, you can find our ramblings here -
As the geekiest member of the team I'm often left a little in the cold when it comes to referencing games, movies and tv. Simply put, the friends I podcast with aren't nearly as knowledgeable on a lot of the things I love most so here's where I'm going to indulge those things in more details.
So expect a mix of reviews, in depth disections and general appreciation of the myriad things that occupy my free time.

The first plan is for a series I'm calling Let's Multiplay, possibly the most original title the interwebz have ever done seen.
For those less inclined to trawling the depths of Youtube, the concept of a Let's Play video is simple; Someone records a game as they play it and in many cases will commentate whilst doing so. The results range from the oft times entertaining Total Biscuits output ( right on through to what you might expect from something like this, i.e. moronic 13 year old American kids full of complaints about games ten years older than they are and nothing even remotely entertaining to say. I'm aiming to at least try and match the quality Total Biscuit kicked out back in his Let's Play days, though in my own particular style whatever that may turn out to be.

Having searched high and low for a regular series of Let's Play videos that feature two players competing or working together I've yet to find anything beyond a small handful of Call of Duty and Halo 3 vids, none of which are particularly entertaining or informative.
I've got the capability right now to record SNES, Megadrive (Genesis), PS1 and Saturn games so I'll be making a big list of potential games to play, making an open invite for anyone I know who would like to join me for an episode or two and then start making the vids for your very own viewing pleasure.
If it works well and I managed to find a few regular players to do this with then this could end up lasting a while, if not I'll can it and move on.

That's all for now, but in the meantime make sure you check out the podcast and let us know what you think,

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