Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - A new age of DLC

Capcom officially unveil Shuma Gorath and Jill Valentine for Marvel Vs Capcom 3.
Oh look, a story about Capcoms DLC policy, I wonder whether it's the usual crap?
Oh look, it is.
Breaking down the cost of buying the game on a per character basis using RRP as the base for the product cost works out to a less than £1 per character ratio, even less when you take into account the cost of the packaging, disc and the rest of the content. The characters are available from March 15th for 400 Microsoft ponts each. That's £3.43 per character. And most of the character data is on the disc. What a ripoff.

And hot on the heels of that is a new rumor concerning the arrival of more DLC -

Frank West and Strider are on the way if this pic can be trusted.
 It's not really much of a surprise to see West crop up, Capcom having alreay gone on record saying he was in the game and almost finished before the game went into production. And it's probably not a surprise for anyone reading this to see me say it's not on for Capcom to expect us to pay for content originally budgeted for and almost completed during development.
Strider is a genuine unknown quantity in this by comparison. Capcom have made no mention of him at all with reference to MvC3, though the sheer weight of the fans complaining about him being left out might have woken them up a bit. Personally I could care less about his inclusion, his broken infinite combos in MvC2 ruining th eonline experience for me as they did.
If they are on the way that means two more Marvel characters are likely to turn up too so odds on for Doc Oc if previous news of his name alongside Wests in the coding means anything. As for the second character, I wouldn't be surprised to see another X-Man make it back into the game, perhaps Cyclops or Iceman.
Ultimately, will I pay 400ms per character though? Hell no.

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